Our affiliation with most of our client companies along with the recent changes made by the SEC affording the freedom to include more potential investors in their offerings, offer us the opportunity to speak to all types of investors including individual investors.
If you qualify as an Accredited Investor or as a Sophisticated Investor we can speak with you about any potential investment we are supporting.
Accredited Investors must have 1 million dollars in assets less the price of their home and they must have earned 200K for the past two years, 300K if they are married.
Sophisticated Investors are potential investors with an expert level of understanding and/or experience to be able to invest wisely. Insurance and Securities Agents are often able to qualify as Sophisticated Investors.
Naviti Management offers professional insight and expert consultative plus project management solutions. Naviti Management and its representatives are not financial, securities or legal experts and all advisory issues would be best served by obtaining expert professional review of same.